I like to make my own things.
I saw some coasters on etsy that were 6 for $20 which was a bit expensive.
So I decided to make my own.
They turned out more like a kid's craft..
So I am going to make more professional looking ones later...
But it was fun and cute!
The total I payed for material was like $6...and my materials will last so I can make many many many more projects.
First Try:: Cute for a kid's craft.
so on a rainy day with kids or a day off school it will be so fun and quick too!
but not very professional looking
4x4 tiles ($0.16 for white or cream $0.38 other colors)
Mod Podge (dont remember how much between $5-8 I believe, I already had it but it has so many uses!)
4x4 high quality pictures on computer or photo paper (photo is harder to work with)
A can of clear spray paint ($3.47 at walmart)
Foam stickers (200 pack for $1 at the dollar store)
Total:: $11-$16 and you can make a lot more tiles than 6
1. First print out 4x4 pictures (maybe a little bigger just in case)
2. Apply mod podge to the tile with a brush.
3. :::If you use computer paper:::
Place the picture immediately on the mod podge (put it on slowly from one side to the other to
prevent bubbles or wrinkles in the picture) and brush another
:::::If you use photo paper
Apply the mod podge on the tile and carefully place the picture over it.
Allow it to dry or the picture will curl (dries quickly,maybe 5 minutes)
Apply another coat of mod podge over it.
4. In a well ventilated area, spray the clear spray paint and allow it to dry for 10 min. Then you
can apply another coat if you want. (leave it to dry for an hour before use).
I am going to make more vintage looking ones today or tomorrow.
I will post pictures from each project.
Enjoy and let me know your results!
Thank you for visiting.
Come back soon.
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